2022 Annual Picnic

The San Remo Civic Association reciprocates support to The US Naval Sea Cadet Corps - New York (LPD-21) Div,
with a $150 donation.
On Sunday, June 11th, 2023, The San Remo Civic Association's Easter Egg Hunt Commitee Chairwoman, Josephine Ferrara and its President, Joseph M. Johnson, presented a check for $150.00 from the Association to support The US Naval Sea Cadet Corps - New York (LPD-21) Division's efforts in building future leaders.
Knowing the Cadet's need community service hours, Josephine reached out to the Cadet's on more than one occasion seeking volunteers to assist with the San Remo Civic Association Easter Egg Hunt. They were eager to help and did an amazing job.
As a result of the generosity of our members, neighbors and others that donated to the Civic at our successful non-profit, community Easter Egg Hunt, the Civic wanted to pay some of it forward by supporting this amazing local organization.
Thanks to Tonya, Teresa and Pete for giving us even more insight into this fantastic organization.
2019 Picnic
movie night PHOTOS

Thank you to all those that volunteered at the San Remo Civic Park Clean up!!!
Photos from the 2017 Park Clean Up
Thank you to all that attended!!!
We appreciate your support.

Easter Egg Hunt 2017
Thank you to all who volunteered to make the first ever Easter egg hunt special! Everyone had a great time!!! Hopefully this becomes a new tradition!
A special Thank You to Josephine Ferrara for an amazing job well done. Beginning with the idea, organizing everything and everyone, getting the amazing treats and gifts. San Remo thanks you!!!

Photos from the 2017
Annual Fundraiser Luncheon
Thank you to all that attended!!!
We appreciate your support.

2016 San Remo Park Clean Up
Thank you to all the volunteers that came to clean our park and a special THANK YOU to all the sponsors that contributed to the raffle!!!

Photos from the 2016 Annual Luncheon
Thank you to all that attended and our sponsors that contributed to the Chinese Auction!!!

Photos by Bernadette Piccione, Barking Dog Consulting
Annual Picnic Photos 2014
Thank you all who attended and those that make this event possible every year!!!